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    A sex machine by monochrom feat.Thomas Kranabetter and Christian Schüler

    Use and abuse this poly-sexual source of compressed lust and horror! Never before were carnal enjoyment and bodily horror so close! A torso you will have HAWT nightmares about. To quote Salman Rushdie: “Shame is like everything else; live with it for long enough and it becomes part of the furniture.”

    Thomas Kranabetter
    *1989, media designer and creative worker
    Lives and works in Vienna, has been building cocktail robots for years, films music and art videos, photographs people and places, mostly builds interactive installations, exhibitions in the UK (Summerset House), USA (Fantastic Fest), Germany (Meta Marathon) and Austria (including Ars Electronica and Steirischer Herbst), writes short texts privately.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/th_farbe

    Johannes Grenzfurthner

    Christian Schüler

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christian.schueler.name/

    Website: https://christianschueler.at/