Studienvertretung Architektur

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Was wir Tun

Unsere Arbeit als Studierendenvertreter_innen findet hauptsächlich an zwei Orten statt: der Studierendenvernetzung und als Brücke zwischen den Studierenden und dem Institut. Transparenz und das Weitergeben von Information ist ein zentrales Anliegen, wir sprechen regelmäßig mit der Institutsleitung und anderen Lehrenden, organisieren Treffen unter den Studierenden und kommunizieren Ansichten und Wissen dadurch von den Studierenden zum Institut und visa-versa. Mehr Mitspracherecht und Selbstbestimmung sind Anliegen, an denen wir ständig arbeiten. Wir bieten eine Anlaufstelle, wenn Fragen auftreten die bestimmte Lehrveranstaltungen betreffen, und leiten gegebenenfalls weiter. Betreffend… 

Our Summer Term 2024

Cultures of Spatial Investigation – Workshop accompanying the Symposium (below) 23.3.2024 The workshop was tutored by Ben Ditto, Zaher Jureidini, and Megaworld collective and was intended for eight to ten participants mainly from IKA but also coming from other institutes of the Academy. It lasted for one whole day which started in the Computer Lab of IKA and ended within the Megaworld collective’s four walls. It was as well organized by Martin Eichler. Curation: Daniel Hüttler (adO/Aptive). Cultures of Spatial Investigation“ Symposium 12.04.2024 Organization: Martin… 

Cultures of Spatial Investigations: Workshop and Symposium

The European Data agency describes Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) as “the practice of collecting and analyzing information gathered from open sources to produce actionable intelligence.” Raw material for OSINT is widely available since the proliferation of the internet and the accessibility to devices like computers, smartphones, cameras, drones and any other media-mechanisms. Thus creating open-source intelligence is a process of qualifying, sorting and contextualizing these vast amounts of data into coherent perspectives that enrich our view on reality. As artists and architects, we are trained… 

blank – publication, organised by students of the IKA

blank is a publication, organised by students of the IKA – the institute for Art and Architecture of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, who feel the need for a blank space for everyone to express their ideas. blank arose out of the need to make our voices heard, to provide materiality to convey our thoughts to a wider public and other students. We see it as a free space, as a start, perhaps a challenge – an opportunity for sure. It is conceived as… 

Collective Reading on the topic „Focus on Nature“, 16th of April, 14:00

In line with the topic „Focus on Nature“ in the program of the Academy’s Exhibition Space in Eschenbachgasse, the Viennese collective adO/Aptive ( together with Carla Veltman, will host three sessions of collective readings that can be joined online and visited independently of each other. All texts are in English and will be read together, no preparation or previous knowledge is necessary. Poems, landscape descriptions, manifestos, and critical essays will be read. Participation at: No registration required. (): Our second meet-up (Fr. 16.4.) will be focused…