Studienvertretung Doktorate

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Guidelines For Doctoral Programms

Before applying for a doctoral program Get accustomed to the doctoral programMs offered by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna “The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna offers four doctoral programs (Dr. Phil., Dr. techn., Dr. rer. nat., Ph.D. in Practice). The first three (the philosophical doctorate, the technical doctorate in Architecture, and the scientific doctorate) can be enrolled without any admission exam; in this case, one has to hand in an accepted Ph.D. proposal) although applicants need to fulfill specific admission criteria. These may vary… 

StV PhD: Our Winterterm 2023-24

In our constituional meetings we got to know each other and drafted some central points of our time as represantatives. As key factors we want to elaborate on reaching out along international lines In direct relation to our fellow students: In relation to the Institute: We are very active in the CuKo, where one of our members is Co-Chair of the Commission. We work along the topics of:  Aleks, Hyeji, Teo

ÖH DOK Projektförderung Sommersemster 2023

Die Studienvertretung Doktorate hat im Sommersemester 2023 eine Projektförderung für kollaborative und Individualprojekte für Doktoratsstudierende der Akademie der bildenden Künste ausgeschrieben.

ÖH.Dok latest Activities

After our energetic start we continued building support structures for PhD Students, reached out to our fellow PhD-Colleagues and launched a ÖH.Dok project funding call. We have presented our work and agenda in almost every colloquium for doctoral students, which allowed us to reach out to doctoral students from all four doctoral programs at the Academy: Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Science and PhD- in-Practice. The purpose of these visits was to introduce the ÖH and our work as student representatives.… 

Nützliche Links für das Doktoratsstudium

Finals Academy (Master, PhD) database | Abschlussarbeiten Datenbank Research Newsletter Academy | Forschungsnewsletter Akademie Doktoratszentrum Studien- und Prüfungsabteilung Doktoratstudien Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien

Was wir Tun

Die Studienvertretung des Doktoratsstudiums ist zuständig für inskribierte Doktoratsstudierende an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (alle vier Doktoratsstudien) und für Studieninteressierte (vor der Inskription). Wir haben alle notwendigen Informationen für Euer Studium in einem Leitfaden zusammengestellt. Dieser ist nach den Phasen Eures Doktoratsstudiums gegliedert. Nach dem Durchlaufen der Abläufe unterstützen wir Euch gerne mit einer persönlichen Beratung, wenn Ihr spezifische Fragen habt. Wir bieten Euch Unterstützung bei allen Fragen rund um Euer Doktoratsstudium an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Zögert nicht, uns zu… 

ÖH Dok: This is what we have achieved for you!

The first year – a new start After several years of inactivity the Doctoral Students have for once again a representation in the Student Union. An energetic start with a bunch of very motivated people paved the way for a year of intense exchanges, open meetings, workshops and representations in Sitzungen. From the beginning we laid a focus on exchanging with the students that we represent. We wanted to get to know the challenges, needs, desires and wishes students face. For this we arrange online… 

Support for Students and Researchers fleeing the War for study and work space possibilities!

Stressing on education, knowledge  exchange, and against all forms of violence: „The doctorate students’ representative encourages all students fleeing the current war(s) to be in contact to look together for information and support regarding possibilities for continuing their research and studies. please contact:   The Student of the scenography program offers Studios and workplaces for students, artists, and researchers who fled the war. They are welcome at _(Semperdepot 3rd floor) where: an « open workplace »: common tables where these students can come during… 

Doctorate Programs GUIDLINES 2022

The student representatives of doctoral studies are responsible for enrolled Ph.D. Students at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (all four doctoral study programs), as well as prospective students (before enrollment). Below we gathered the necessary information for your study, in the form of a guideline. This is structured according to the stages of your Ph.D. If you have specific questions after going through the guidelines, we are happy to support you with personal counseling. We are offering support for any sort of issues within… 

Establishing Thoughts – Conferences

ESTABLISHING THOUGHTS, 7th November, 7pm, M20 (Academy) (1) Anthony Clair Wagner „(Un)Be(Com)ing Others: A Trans* Film Criticism of the Alien Quadrilogy Movies„ Anthony Clair Wagner is a Doctoral Student (Dr. phil.) at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Un)Be(Com)ing Others: A Trans* Film Criticism of the Alien Quadrilogy Movies combines transgender and monster studies to bring, what I call, trans* film criticism to mainstream film.[1] Trans* criticism is concerned with issues of embodiment, transgression, and transformation. In order to identify the range of dehumanized and thereby monsterized bodies in film,…