Queer:feministisches Referat

Kontakt via: oehqueerfem@akbild.ac.at

ORANGE THE WORLD! at Schillerplatz

Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today and is a threat to millions of girls and women online and offline. It affects women regardless of their age, background, or level of education. This violence takes many forms, including physical, sexual, or psychological violence, as well as economic abuse and exploitation. The 16 days between 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and 10 December, Human Rights… 

Self Defence for Inter, Trans and Non Binary People and their Friends

Registration form for participation in introductory workshop on 17th March / 11-3pm. Selbstverteidigung für Inter, Trans- und Non Binary Personen, sowie deren Freund_innen. Anmeldeformular für die Teilnahme am Einführungsworkshop The course if already full!

trans* peer support memo for non-EU students

Download trans*peer support memo as PDF Memo by Queer Fem* Referat compiled with the participation of Iain Zabolotny and Farah Bazant. Proofread by Cha(i)nge Trans Peer Group Vienna. As a non-EU student, am I eligible for gender reassignment surgery under the student insurance? Yes, ÖGK covers gender affirming treatments, no matter the citizenship of the insured person. This includes hormone replacement therapy, top surgery, and bottom surgery. What doctors do I need to visit to gather all the necessary documents for the surgery? In general… 

Speaker for the department for queer*feminist practices wanted

The Department for queer*feminist politics stands for an active and visible queer*feminist politics inside and outside the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. For this political office we are looking for a queer*feminist and politically committed person who openly and clearly represents queer*feminist positions on behalf of the student union at the Academy of Fine Arts. Apply until the 12th of June oeh@akbild.ac.at    

EVENT POSTPONED, registration still possible: f*lit. feat. Tarot, 13.08.21, 18-20 h @ Burggarten

***der deutsche text steht weiter unten*** Dear all, Days are still hot in vienna and we warmly invite you to a supercool f*lit. afternoon summer event: So far we were reading books, researching and exchanging on position of women* in literature. Now, during vorlesungsfreie zeit, we will go off the mainstream-education-road and look at a different practice: tarot. Therefore we invite Yasemin Duru who has some knowledge in it and already did some tarot readings, recently in Flinte. First they will share some information about… 

RED RULES VIENNA: International Sex Work Conference + Performance 22.-25.9.2021

22.-25.9.2021 F23, Breitenfurterstr. 176, 1230 Wien –> rollstuhlzugänglich / wheel chair accessible  Tickets und /and Programm Details: https://ntry.at/redrulesvienna Das Kollektiv RED EDITION – Migrant Sex Work Group arbeitet gemeinsam mit Künstler*innen und Aktivist*innen seit über  einem Jahr an diesem Projekt zu Sexarbeit in Wien. / Since more than a year, RED EDITION – Migrant Sex Work Group has been working together with artists and activist on this project about sex work in Vienna.  SEXARBEITER*INNEN-RECHTE sind MENSCHENRECHTE! SEX WORKER’S RIGHTS are HUMAN RIGHTS!  Kommt und sagt es weiter! / Come… 

f*lit. Feministisch über Literatur sprechen, vol.4 / f*lit. Feminist literature talks, vol.4, 18.6.2021, 5-7 pm

Selbstorganisierter Bildungsraum zum Austausch feministischer Positionen in Arbeit, Struktur und Gesellschaft. Anlässlich 100 Jahre Frauen* an der Akademie: She* came to stay findet im Sommer-Semester 2021 die Veranstaltungsreihe f*lit. statt. Wir werden vor:lesen, gemeinsam und jede* für sich, uns austauschen, diskutieren, wieder sagen was schon stimmig gesagt wurde und widersprechen wo wir nicht übereinstimmen Bisherige Treffen verpasst? Kein Problem, dies ist die Einladung zur nächsten Runde, die letzte vor der Sommerpause! Gespräche über Sichtbarkeit, Arbeitsbedingungen, Marginalisierung, Chancen, Kämpfe, Entwicklungen und Interessen sind auch Gespräche über…