Geförderte Projekte

Future Work: archival plattform of the university squattings

Siehe weiter unten für deutsche Version Reclaim your university, reclaim your body, reclaim your brain, unconditional basic income for all: € 1500, what would you work, if it was taken care for your income? Against the racist normal condition. Sexist bullshit. All these exclamations and many more were shouted during the (student) occupations of universities in 2009/2010. This events are a kaleidoscopic section of many different social movements that struggle for a global, a radical change, which sometimes dissolve in a nebulous hush but still… 

Funded Projects (Summer Term 2016)

Anti*colonial Fantasies. Decolonial Strategies by: Imayna Caceres, Sunanda Mesquita, Sophie Utikal Das Projekt „Anti*Colonial Fantasies / Decolonial Strategies“ versammelt Künstler*innen verschiedener Diasporas, Studierende und Lehrende der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wiens, die sich mit der Kritik und den Konsequenzen des Kolonialismus (insbesondere an der Hochschule) auseinandersetzen sowie am Entwurf und der Verwirklichung einer anderen Realität arbeiten. Als seltene Gelegenheit, schafft das Projekt somit einen Raum zur Vernetzung und Stärkung der schwarzen und people of color community Wiens. Kuratiert von Sunanda Mesquita, Sophie Utikal und Imayna… 

Funded Projects (2013/14)

Fluchthilfe & Du / Border Crossing & You? Solidarity actions and campaigns in public space and discourse, Vienna, 2014–present by Katarzyna Winiecka Fluchthilfe & Du? / We helped with escape. What about you? addresses the critique of the EU border regime and its migration policies. This critique was first expressed by the self-organized refugee protest movement in Vienna. Formally Fluchthilfe & Du echoes campaigns by Caritas, an organization that collects donations with an appeal to charity, while distancing itself from those it denounces as human smugglers: people whose assistance to refugees…