Geförderte Projekte

PFFV x A…cademy of Fine KINK ’24

New Intimate Horizons Exhibition Website: Press Release: The Porn Film Festival Vienna together with the Student Representation for Fine Arts presents a special exhibition “New Intimate Horizons” at the Academy of Fine Arts, Room “EG Nord”, Lehargasse. On April 9th, there will be an extravagant vernissage where visitors are encouraged to become part of the performances. The main theme of this year’s exhibition “New Intimate Horizons” is the interaction between the realms of our realities and modern technology. Digital platforms such as Pornhub,… 

ÖH DOK Projektförderung Sommersemster 2023

Die Studienvertretung Doktorate hat im Sommersemester 2023 eine Projektförderung für kollaborative und Individualprojekte für Doktoratsstudierende der Akademie der bildenden Künste ausgeschrieben.

On What We Should Not Get Used To (Summer Term 2021)

In April 2021 a call has been sent out under the title On What We Should Not Get Used To. 12 projects were submitted. A jury consisting of of 5 persons, 2 from the student union and 3 external ones, decided on the anonymised project applications, for this call around 4.150 Euro where being assigned (from a yearly pot of 9.000 Euro) through the student union’s representative body (Universitätsvertretung). Members of the jury: Sara Hawy, Miriam Lausegger, Daniel Massov, Kristina Sokolova, Dolores Winkler Funded Projects… 

Damnatio Memoriae (Winter Term 2020/21)

In December 2020 a call for projects has been sent out under the title: Damnatio Memoriae. Around 25 projects applications where submitted. A jury consisting of 5 persons, 2 from the student union and 3 external ones, decided on the anonymised project applications, for this call around 5.300 Euro where being assigned (from a yearly pot of 9.000 Euro) through the student union’s representative body (Universitätsvertretung). Members of the jury: Olga Shapovalova, Larissa F. Huber, Pia Plankensteiner, Florian Kläger, Robert Mathy. Funded Projects | Geförderte… 

Around COVID-19 (Summer Term 2020)

In summer term 2020 a project funding call has been issued with a focus on topics that deal with the situation of  COVID-19. The declared state of emergency enables to restrict fundamental rights and the expansion of control and surveillance policies. There are several topics that hardly get any media coverage, such as the situation of refugees in Moria/Lesbos. Also, within the discourse of COVID-19, there are many topics that aren’t being reported about in the mainstream media coverage. Which systemic inequalities are becoming increasingly… 

Funded Projects (Winter Term 2019/20)

Search for … Feminism. The more you search, the less you find by Julia Hartmann und Aline Lara Rezende Die Ausstellung Search for … Feminism fand von 10. Jänner bis 01. Februar 2020 in der VBKÖ (Verein bildender Künstlerinnen Österreich) in Wien statt.  Beteiligte Künstler_innen: Constant Dullart, Ye Hui, Kate Durbin, Joyce You-Jean Lee, Martina Menegon. Ausserdem wurden in der Ausstellung Projekte präsentiert, die sich für ein feministisches Internet einsetzen und Workshops, Manifeste und Selbstermächtigungsmaßnahmen darbieten. Darunter sind z.B. Projekte von The Feminist Internet, The… 

Funded projects (Summer Term 2019)

WESTERN UNION by Sattva Giacosa This project aims to show the ambiguity of the so-called “First World Countries” , and their relationship with Third World Countries, the profitying and exploitation of this hierachie, which criminalises and discriminates against immigrants. In the media, immigrants are shown as people who come to steal work, health care and unemployment money. The underlying reality, which is not only the cheap labour and exploitation they face, but also that the lucrative business behind remittance companies, such as Western Union, banks… 

Funded Projects (Summer Term 2018)

Three (or more) Ecologies – a feminist articulation of eco-intersectionality by Angela Anderson „Three (or more) Ecologies – a feminist articulation of eco- intersectionality“ ist eine forschungsbasierten, dreikanaligen Videoinstallation, der sich mit der Utopie einer feministischen, öko-intersektionellen Zukunft beschäftigt. Die Arbeit bringt zwei scheinbar getrennte Orte zusammen – North Dakota in den USA und Rojava in Nordsyrien, wo Frauen aktiv kämpfen gegen die patriarchalen und die Erde verschlingenden Maschinen des militarisierten und Ressourcen extrahierenden Kapitals. Vom Verschwinden by Carina Plachy   „VOM VERSCHWINDEN“ ist eine… 

Funded Projects (Winter Term 2017/18)

on their history: the escaped past, the dubious future, and the uncertain present by Masha Godovannaya The project “on their history: the escaped past, the dubious future, and the uncertain present” (working title) is conceived as a short 16 mm on video experimental fictional documentary. It is addressing questions of visibility of queer lives and their intimate arrangement (“queer kinship”) while referring to the problematics of fictional narration and document/documenting/documented, and summoning a specific history of cinema – experimental DIY tradition.  FISH by Karolina Gruschka… 

Funded Projects (2016/17)

Uncensored – Internationale Filmtage by Betül Küpeli, Cansu Berksan mit Tjaša Kancler, Songül Sönmez, Abidin Ertuğrul, Nathalie Borgers, Reha Refik Taşcı, Cana Bilir-Meier Das Motiv der Zensur findet sich in allen filmischen Genres. Die Begründung liegt meistens in dem angeblichen „Schutz der Gesellschaft“, wobei eigentlich Grundrechte wie Meinungsfreiheit oder Pressefreiheit beeinträchtigt werden. Zensurierte Filme behandeln Thematiken, die Unterdrückung ausgesetzt sind und somit das kollektive Unbewusste der Gesellschaft und die ideologische Intention der Zensur-Instanz widerspiegeln. Diese Filme berühren eine bestimmte Ader im jeweiligen Land, wo ihnen die…