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trans* peer support memo for non-EU students

Download trans*peer support memo as PDF Memo by Queer Fem* Referat compiled with the participation of Iain Zabolotny and Farah Bazant. Proofread by Cha(i)nge Trans Peer Group Vienna. As a non-EU student, am I eligible for gender reassignment surgery under the student insurance? Yes, ÖGK covers gender affirming treatments, no matter the citizenship of the insured person. This includes hormone replacement therapy, top surgery, and bottom surgery. What doctors do I need to visit to gather all the necessary documents for the surgery? In general… 

100 Jahre Republik Türkei – 100 Jahre Widerstand

Saturday, 28 October, 18:30h, at Atelierhaus, Lehargass 8, 1060 Vienna || Music & drinks afterwards The Republic of Turkey was founded with the postulate of a homogeneous and unchangeable Turkish language, culture and history. Parts of the population which were considered different were subjected to a brutal assimilation policy and attempted to be wiped out through genocides, expulsion and massacres. This violent nation-building process has left its traces in the experiences of Armenian, Kurdish, Alevi, Yezidi, Assyrian, Greek and other marginalised populations in Turkey to… 

StV Fine Arts: Get Together, 19th Oct. 23

We welcome you in the new academical year in the Academy!Some of you already know us, but some are very fresh and we would like tell you about us and Student Union of the Academy (ÖH). Therefore we invite you to come to Mehrzwecksaal at Semperdepot (Lehargasse,6) on 19.10. from 5pm.Its a small get together and you can ask questions, talk with us about your studies, the Academy or ÖH, grab a welcome ÖH bag and of course, get some drinks and snacks with us!Free… 

Healing Technologies and Affections

Artist Talk mit Ayrson Heráclito kültüř gemma! lädt in Kooperation mit der ÖH der Akademie der Bildenden Künste und dem Kunstraum Innsbruck, wo die gleichnamige Ausstellung des brasilianischen Künstlers Ayrson Heráclito von 28. Juli bis 4.11. stattfindet, zu einem Artist Talk ein. Ayrson Heráclito wird seine künstlerische Arbeit präsentieren und die Aktualisierung von anzestralen afrobrasilianischen Heilungstechniken im Sinne einer Dekolonisierung durch das Medium Kunst vorstellen. 31.7.2023, 18.30 Aula der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien Diese Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation und mit… 

Wir suchen …

Momentan arbeiten wir sehr strukturiert als ca. 10-köpfiges Team. Gern möchten wir weiteren Personen den Zugang zu unserer Struktur ermöglichen. Insbesondere richtet sich diese Ausschreibung an Personen, die Benachteiligungen aller Art erfahren haben. Hierin sehen wir ein großes Potenzial zu perspektivreichem Arbeiten, Denken und insbesondere Handeln, das wir für politisch unabdingbar erachten, was unserer Erfahrung nach ein größeres Handlungspotenzial bietet.

Alarmphone Sahara

Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) is a cooperation project between associations, groups and individuals in the Sahel-Saharan region and Europe. The members of the Alarme Phone Sahara network are based in Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Morocco, Germany and Austria. Alarme Phone Sahara’s office is located in Agadez, Niger, which is a crossroads of migration in the Sahelo-Saharan zone. There is also a network of whistleblowers in the region that works in collaboration with the Agadez office.