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Have you lost an order or a part-time job?

Have you lost regular sources of income due to the Corona crisis?

Can’t you pay your rent or livelihood?

Access to open and free higher education also means that help is available in unforeseeable emergency situations.

Even students in financially difficult situations have an interest in art and culture. That is why the Social Affairs Department has entered into a partnership with the “Hunger for Art & Culture” initiative. Students who receive support from the ÖH AkBild social fund are also entitled to a culture pass. What can the culture pass do? The culture pass from the “Hunger for Art & Culture” campaign allows free entry to numerous cultural institutions (e.g. museums). In those cultural institutions that have limited space (e.g. seats in the theater), quotas are usually provided for culture pass holders…

There are a number of supermarkets in Vienna, the so-called social markets, where people with little or no income can buy food cheaply. Please bring your student ID with you! Here you will find a list of the shops (please click on the links for the addresses): Sozialmarkt Wien: has branches in 4 different districts of Vienna Sozialshop: Denisgasse 24, 1200 Vienna and Pragerstr. 142, 1210 Vienna Foodpoint Wien: has 4 branches in Vienna and also an online social market for people with limited…

Download (PDF, German only): Oeh Social Fund Guidelines Have you lost a contract or a part-time job? Have you lost regular sources of income? Can’t afford your rent or living expenses? Access to open and free higher education also means that help is available in unforeseeable emergency situations. With our social fund, we want to provide financial support to students in existential emergencies. Who can receive support? Students at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, people in irregular or unstable (residence law) situations, and precarious (art) workers. In accordance with our statutes, third-country nationals are given priority… 

Scroll down for English version Social scholarship from the Academy of Fine Arts All students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (including graduates) who have paid tuition fees and have not received them back from other sources (e.g. the student grant authority) can apply retroactively for a social scholarship in the amount of the tuition fee paid at the beginning of the next semester.

Please note that only the tuition fee, not the ÖH fee, can be refunded. It is absolutely necessary to enclose a scan of your registration confirmation (“Meldezettel”) and your confirmation of study for the semester in question. The…