The ÖH (student union) is not only active vis-à-vis the Rectorate and the institutes in order to at least make the interests and concerns of the students audible or, in the best case, to enforce them, but also in various commissions, committees, juries, etc. Participating in meetings of this kind is a great way to learn more about the respective committees and to gain experience.
Involvement in boards and commissions is particularly important for student representation, as decisions relevant to students are made in these areas. Some committees are very work-intensive, but for all committees, the respective delegated student representatives are entitled to a function fee, which is based on the following scheme:
If you are interested in participating, please send your full name, your matriculation number, your area of studies, for how many years you have been studying, your email address and the title of the committee you are interested in by 20.3.2024 to:
For the summer term 2024, the ÖH Akbild is looking for students who would like to join the following committees:
The Senate is one of the three governing bodies of the Academy and consists of 26 members from all curiae (professors, mid-level staff, general staff and students).
The tasks of the Senate are regulated by the University Act: They are, among other things, the enactment and amendment of the statutes on the proposal of the Rectorate, approval of the draft development plan prepared by the Rectorate, preparation of a three-member proposal to the University Council for the election of the Rector. Participation in and decisions on habilitation and appointment procedures, appointment of the CuKos, enactment and amendment of the curricula for ordinary studies and courses, establishment of a working group for equal opportunities issues and nomination of members for the arbitration commission are also part of the tasks.
If you are interested in learning more about the work in senate, you are invited to join via zoom one of the Senate Onboarding dates:
- 4th of March 2024 07:00 PM Wien,; Meeting-ID: 651 5685 7465
- 1st of April 2024 07:00 PM Wien,; Meeting-ID: 627 7088 1343
- 6th of May 2024 07:00 PM Wien,; Meeting-ID: 648 1401 3990
- 27th of May 2024 07:00 PM Wien,; Meeting-ID: 686 2649 8674
- 17th of June 2024 07:00 PM Wien,; Meeting-ID: 693 0207 3701
Equal Opportunities Team (AFG)
The AFG participates in various commissions, but only has observer status; it is represented by 1 person in professorship committees (supervisory body). The task of the AFG is to counteract discrimination by university bodies on the basis of gender as well as on the basis of ethnicity, religion or world view, age or sexual orientation and to advise and support the members and bodies of the university in these matters. The AFG examines tender texts, is the contact person in questions of equal treatment, as well as in cases of disputes and mobbing; see:
The student union is currently looking for 1 substitute member to work in the AfG; meetings take place 4 times per semester and, depending on resources, members can become involved in professorship committees and complaints procedures.
Equal Opportunities Council
The Equal Opportunities Council defines the equality goals by means of which equality and anti-discrimination at the Akbild are to be advanced. It accompanies the implementation processes for equality at the Academy and advises the departments and institutes on the implementation of equality tasks.
The student union is currently looking for 1 substitute member to work on the Equal Opportunities Council. There is a meeting once a semester, namely on: 10th of April 2024 (14:00 – 15:30).
Working Group Gender Equality
The working group Gender Equality goes back to the Development Plan 2022-27 and was founded in order to consolidate and solidify within the university the equality standards that were established through guidelines in cooperation with AfG and other bodies for personnel policy and professional practice at the academy.
The working group Gender Equality – as a supplement to the Equal Opportunities Council – focuses in particular on guaranteeing gender-related equality standards, accompanies internal transformation processes and defines the next steps and partial goals as well as the catalogue of measures derived from them. In this way, the continuous work on the realisation of gender equality is systemically and profoundly anchored for the coming years.
The student union is currently looking for 1 substitute member to work in the working group Gender Equality. The next meeting will take place on 21st of May 24 (13:00 – 15:00).
Advisory Board Academy | Art | Public Sphere
The advisory board Academy | Art | Public Sphere is in charge of the calls for proposals in connection with Academy | Art | Public Sphere and accompanies the annual events; see:
The student union is currently looking for 2 members to work on the advisory board Academy | Art | Public Sphere. The next meetings will take place on 24th of May 2024 (09:30 – 11:00).
Advancement Scholarship
The Advancement Scholarship serves to support scientific or artistic work of students with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research; see:
The student union is currently looking for 1 main member and 1 substitute member for the performance scholarship jury. The meeting will take place on 3rd of June 2024 (10:00 – 12:00).
Project Financing
Project financing is used to support artistic, scientific and artistic-scientific projects by regular students in all fields of study; see:
The student union is currently looking for 1 main member and 1 substitute member for the Project Financing Jury. The meeting will take place on 13th of June 2024 (10:00 – 15:00).
Ö1 Talent Stipend for Fine Arts
The Ö1 Talent Stipend for Fine Arts, worth 10,000 Euros and provided by Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein, is being offered by Ö1 for the sixteenth time this year. This Ö1 prize serves to promote young talent among students; see (in German only):
The student union is currently looking for 1 main member and 1 substitute member for the Ö1 Talent Stipend for Fine Arts. The jury will take place on 27th of May (13:00-17:00).
Prize for Scientific Thesis
Every academic year, the Science Prize Jury awards two prizes for scientific theses. Diploma theses/final theses that have been graded „very good“ can be nominated – in each case by the institutes; see:
The student union is currently looking for 1 main member and 1 substitute member for the jury. The meeting date is not fixed yet.
Studio Program
Studio funding program for graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; see:
The student union is currently looking for 1 main member and 1 substitute member for the Studio Funding Program jury. The meeting will take place on the 27th of June 2024 (15:00 – 17:00).
Gustav Peichl Prize
The Gustav Peichl Prize is awarded every two years. The Gustav Peichl Prize for Architectural Drawing 2022 honours outstanding architectural drawings by regular students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The submitted works should convey the vision of a design concept, especially in the form of a sketch, in addition to the graphic representation; see (in German only):
The student union is currently looking for 1 main member and 1 substitute member for the jury of the Gustav Peichl Prize. The meeting will take place on the 16th of May 2024 (10:00 – 12:30).