After the first day of the meet-up, we decided upon the next dates and the topics that can be discussed accordingly for this semester:
<November 14th>
There is a definite power dynamic and hierarchy formed by different languages and their skills.
Let’s take a deep look at how it is played out in- and outside of the academy.
How are we doing with this evident structure?
What are the preferred orientations and the strategies?
<November 28th>
On answering certain questions.
How do we find an opening to all the complex emotions that arise when hearing questions such as, “Where do you come from?”
How do we direct curiosity when confronted with one?
<December 12th>
Reflecting „the gaze.“
Micro-aggression is a real thing.
The feelings that are felt should not be neglected. Whether a gaze, response, or an attitude, let the feeling come up to the surface.
How can we verbalize these words to make them visible and clear?
all dates are on Monday – 7pm @Schillerplatz Room S04
We would like to welcome people of all backgrounds.
However, please acknowledge that racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, queerphobia, classism, islamophobia, antisemitism, xenophobia, or any kind of discrimination will not be tolerated.
Please bring your intention accordingly to the aim that we have for a constructive discussion and collective contribution.
Also, bring expectation for a cozy chat with tea and some snacks. 🍪
🌟 although not strictly necessary, we would appreciate if you could give us a heads-up that you are coming on which date! (email to:
Thank you.
The necessity to look inside the institution here at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna emerges from this perspective: the phrase “diversity” is coined without the responsibility to take care of the complex dynamics existing in-between all the diversities and conditions established by these relations. As a result, we are time to time faced with moments of confusion, awkwardness, and bashfulness—moments of abrasion inflicting pain while disciplining us into a numbness.
In order to unlearn and refresh ourselves from such an environment, the department of political&antiracism and the department of art and (counter)culture would like to host institution-wide regular meetings within the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The meetings are to discuss the topic of racism and will be held once a month. Within this topic, the main focus would be to formulate a manual, a toolkit that can give us an insight or a direction on how to respond and react. It is to be made clear this is not only for those of us who are thought to be directly affected. Rather, this is pointing towards an awareness that as long as we are inside the same institution, we are all in this together.
An annual zine is expected as an outcome of the meetings as well as an online archive platform.