Stressing on education, knowledge exchange, and against all forms of violence:
“The doctorate students’ representative encourages all students fleeing the current war(s) to be in contact to look together for information and support regarding possibilities for continuing their research and studies. please contact:
The Student of the scenography program offers Studios and workplaces for students, artists, and researchers who fled the war. They are welcome at _(Semperdepot 3rd floor) where: an « open workplace »: common tables where these students can come during the day, read, write, work on their computer or use the scenography students’ computers, draw, etc.
The scenography students offer a kitchen and a shower in their ateliers, which could be useful for students in precarious conditions upon arriving.
We are still working on the organizational details. Still, we thought it would be important to share this information to help raise welcoming capacities, especially for Studienrichtungen that are more restricted space-wise (we thought especially of Doctorate, MCS, Kunst und Film, but there are probably more). Please share and forward interested people to us: or +436802408529″