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Release: Big Critical Energy – Publication by MA Critical Studies

Critical energy is fugitive. It confronts and destabilises, grants no pause or respite. Critique has the potential to concentrate and materialise it in the form of an artistic practice. The edited volume Big Critical Energy bundles the energy that circulates in the Master’s in Critical Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. It gathers students, tutors and alumni of the programme in one book. Their contributions trace the conditions and intentions with which artistic and theoretical scholarly research is conducted.

With contributions by Marwa Abou Hatab, Onur Akyol, Felix Balzer, Anna Barbieri, Viktoria Bayer, Carolin M. Brendel, Sabeth Buchmann, Adina Camhy, Ana de Almeida, Diedrich Diederichsen, June Drevet, Helena Eckert, Jakob Ehrlich, Rebecca Fuxen, Vasilena Gankovska, Kelly Ann Gardener, Jackie Grassmann, Moira Hille, Tatjana Hoser, Leonie Huber, Barbara Juch, Eszter Kállay, Mahsima Kalweit, Chantal Kaufmann, Luisa Kleemann, Flora Klein, Dan Robert Lahiani, Soliman Lawrence, Sarah Lehnerer, Emilia Lichtenwagner, Valerie Ludwig, Guilherme Maggessi, Tabea Marschall, Linnéa Meiners, Inka Meißner, Janine Muckermann, Simon Nagy, Laura Nitsch, Jeremy Okello, Ben Rosenthal, Martin Rovan, Constanze Ruhm, Kervin Saint Pere, Tomash Schoiswohl, Ruth Sonderegger, Miriam Stoney, Selina Shirin Stritzel, Inga Charlotte Thiele, Lucía Ugena, Andrea Zabric, Hanwen Zhang

German/English, 238 pages, 15.5 × 21.5 cm, numerous illustrations in color, paperback, May 2021, Schlebrügge Verlag

Edited by Leonie Huber, Valerie Ludwig, Andrea Zabric

Academy-internal price 10,-€ plus shipping costs

Orders via macriticalstudies@gmail.com. All proceeds go to the MA Critical Studies program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Press inquiries to macriticalstudies@gmail.com. We’re happy to send you a review copy and additional images upon request!