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oca: Open Night School

The Idea in its Entirety:

The classroom remains the most radical space of possibility (bell hooks)

Night School is an experimental evening school that thinks, teaches and learns from minoritarian, marginalized, rebellious and vulnerable positions. This small school opens its doors every week, to interfere with hegemonic regimes of knowledge. The curriculum covers forms, bodies, methods, positions, geographies and fantasies, which contribute to what we could call a decolonization of knowledge and learning (and perhaps Popular Education), and hopefully, pedagogies of possibility. This means it is  an education that insists on the possible.

In our program we refer to the concept of the Evening School. One of the earliest was founded in Vienna in 1925, initially as a “high school course for the socialist worker” developed by Wanda Lanzer, a protagonist of the “Red Vienna” and workers movement, and exiled to Sweden for 25 years. The school was for working-class children, dropouts, housewives, employees in adult education, refugees with academic degrees, the jobless, and migrants, in other words all those deemed poorly educated (or rather, who are kept uneducated) were then packed off to  special-needs schools.

The Night School is free and open to all, but Night School’s places are limited.

For our programme see: