1) „Agenda“
Friday, 13th June (Keiko: time keeper)
- 11:00 -12:00; welcome, brunch
- 12:00 – open end; 10-minutes presentations and discussions
- afterwards: beer and cocktail somewhere in the city
location Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, attic*
* leaving the lift: take corridor to your left side, room is at the end of the corridor
2) Presentations
- Berenice Pahl | Horizontaler Humor. Eine neue Humortheorie in Interaktion mit einer Geschichte der Performativität von Komik und Lachen aus künstlerisch-feministischer Perspektive.
- Nuşin Arslan | Da und fort: die Zentralperspektive. Türkische Malerei konnte Monarchien auslöschen. Und Türkische Malerinnen? Ein Schauspiel der Welt
- Sandra Monterroso | Identity on Decolonial Aesthetics
- Ufaq Inaam | South Asian Design- focusing Pakistan
- Martina Fröschl | Computeranimation als Analyseinstrument für Bewegungsstudien an Milben
- Nina Jukic | Obsolete media and technology in contemporary popular culture
- Lona Gaikis
- Harald Hinz | New York Graffiti in Europa
- Michael Karassowitsch | Crisis, architecture and spirituality.
- Keiko Uenishi | Partitions = Divider? or Connector?
3) Idea of [Graduates‘ Conference „Add-On“ | „Prologue“]
The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in collaboration with the University of Applied Arts (Vienna)
The [Graduates‘ Conference „Add-On“ | „Prologue“] has been initiated by the representatives of doctoral students and by the students themselves. It took place the first time in January 2014 as an opportunity to meet each other, strengthen the community of researchers in Vienna, learn, and enjoy ourselves.
The content of your presentation is open. You can present either in German or English. Please feel free to share whatever you feel suitable for the context. The time of each presentation is limited to 10min.